ReHydro: Demonstration of Sustainable Hydropower Refurbishment

Start Date
2024End Date
The main objective of ReHydro is to demonstrate how European hydropower can be refurbished and modernized to be fit for a leading role in the future power system respecting sustainability...
AGISTIN: Advanced Grid Interfaces for innovative STorage INtegration

Start Date
2023End Date
Energy storage is in high demand. The decarbonisation of industry through electrification, the growth of renewables as well as the need to ensure grid stability are major incentives to develop...

Start Date
2023End Date
Di-Hydro will develop practical solutions, applicable to HP plants and clusters across the EU, regardless of their previous digitization level, by combining innovative sensor technology and digital adaption for energy...
iAMP-Hydro: intelligent Asset Management Platform for HYDROpower operation & maintenance

Start Date
2023End Date
iAMP-Hydro is a collaborative research effort of 10 parties coming from a wide field of academia and industry. Its target is to build digital solutions that will improve the efficiency,...
ÖkoResch: ÖkoResch: Achievement of good ecological potential in high alpine residual water sections and flow-affected waters
Start Date
2020End Date
The EU Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) has established specific environmental objectives for water bodies that are threatened by pollution.This research project aims to provide the foundation for defining Good Ecological...
RELY: Reliable reinforcement learning for sustainable energy systems
Start Date
2023End Date
Due to the increasing complexity, the growing number of players in the energy market and the resulting need for increased flexibility, machine learning algorithms will play a significant role in...
ETIP Hydropower: ETIP Hydropower Europe

Start Date
2022End Date
Building from this extensive programme of consultation, the Hydropower Europe Forum ( has developed from 2018 to 2022 a Research and Innovation Agenda (RIA) as well as a Strategic Industry...
Assessment of habitat enhancement measures for the protection of fish populations
Start Date
2013End Date
Measures to protect fish populations in waters influenced by hydroelectric power plants have so far focused almost exclusively on longitudinal connectivity for fish. In particular, short-distance migrators are likely to...
ALPHEUS: Augmenting grid stability through Low-head Pumped Hydro Energy Utilization & Storage

Start Date
2020End Date
With a growing share of intermittent renewable energy sources grid stability can be maintained, and flexibility enhanced, by applying pumped hydropower energy storage. ALPHEUS will improve reversible pump/turbine (RPT) technology...

Start Date
2019End Date
The ultimate objective of the XFLEX project is to increase hydropower potential in terms of plant efficiency, availability and provision of flexibility services to the Electric Power System (EPS). The...
RIBES: RIver flow regulation, fish BEhaviour and Status

Start Date
2020End Date
The loss of biodiversity and degradation of aquatic habitats, largely caused by human actions, has led to a new resolution calling for ecosystem restoration. Moreover, the EU has raised the...
AFC4Hydro: Active Flow Control system FOR improving HYDRaulic turbine performances at off-design Operation

Start Date
2019End Date
The overall objective of the AFC4Hydro research project is to design, implement and validate in full-scale water turbine an active flow control system that permit to increase efficiency and reduce...
HYPOS: HYdro-POwer-Suite

Start Date
2019End Date
Hydropower as the world’s largest source of renewable energy still has a high unused potential to be explored in times of a changing global energy policy. The economic and ecological...

Start Date
2018End Date
The HYDROPOWER-EUROPE project aimed to support sectorial fora by bringing together stakeholders of the hydropower sector in a forum and providing a unique opportunity to bring together the hydropower community...
EUROFLOW: A EUROpean training and research network for environmental FLOW management in river basins

Start Date
2017End Date
The regulation of river flows is one of the biggest stressors affecting river ecosystems across the world. In many westernised countries, major legislative efforts are therefore underpinning the development of...
CliRSnow: Statistically combine climate models with remote sensing to provide high-resolution snow projections for the near and distant future.
Start Date
2018End Date
The cryosphere in the European Alps is expected to change substantially with global warming. Snow in the Alps impacts the local communities but also affects the quantity and seasonality of...
FIThydro: Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower

Start Date
2016End Date
Sustainable energy sources like hydropower plants (HPPs) generate vast energy with minimal environmental impact. By utilising this clean energy solution, it is possible to effectively meet our energy demands without...
ECO-DRILLING: Environmentally efficient full profile drilling solution
Start Date
2017End Date
The overall vision of the ECO-DRILLING project is to prototype, pilot, and commercialise our cost-effective and environmentally friendly full profile directional drilling technology for the global hydropower sector. ECO-DRILLING is...
Waterjade: Waterjade: the global platform to predict water resources

Start Date
2019End Date
Water scarcity from environmental changes is taking its toll on numerous sectors, particularly the energy sector. The absence of effective methods to predict the quantities of water produced from snow...
SuREmMa+: SuREmMa+ - Integrative economic and environmental assessment of measures for mitigating hydropeaking - hydraulic / morphological analysis
Start Date
2017End Date
The SuREmMa project developed a tool for assessing the ecological impact of man-made runoff fluctuations in the SuREmMa + project to: a) record the actual hydro-morphological status in impacted rivers,...
BINGO: Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management – A better future under climate change

Start Date
2015End Date
Climate Change. Water scarcity. Floods. Droughts. Heavy rains. These words have increasingly punctuated our current dialogue in Europe – socially, academically, and politically. There are plenty of long-term concepts on...