Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management – A better future under climate change
Climate Change. Water scarcity. Floods. Droughts. Heavy rains. These words have increasingly punctuated our current dialogue in Europe – socially, academically, and politically. There are plenty of long-term concepts on how to face Climate Change. But how can decision-makers and end users face the intermediate challenges Climate Change brings? What is the right path and time scale to address today and be prepared to future climate scenarios? The Horizon 2020 project BINGO: Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management - a better future under Climate Change (2015-2019) aimed at providing practical knowledge and tools to end users, water managers and decision and policy makers affected by Climate Change o enable them to better cope with all climate projections, including droughts and floods. Led by Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC, Portugal), the project involved 20 European Partners from six countries, including research and innovation centres, water authorities, water users and companies. BINGO provided demand-driven solutions for specific climate related challenges, in particular for highly vulnerable water resources of strategic importance. It addressed average and extreme conditions of Climate Change scenarios in six areas across Europe, from North to South. Project outcomes of BINGO: Improved and downscaled climate predictions and projections of climate variables; Integrated analysis of the impacts of Climate Change scenarios on the water cycle; Improved dialogue between different actors, including decision makers; Increased public awareness of the effects of Climate Change on floods and droughts; Development of knowledge and tools for a more efficient management of water resources in Europe.
- Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC)
- European funding
Specific Funding Sources:
European Commission
Level of Action:
Small-hydro, Large-hydro, Run-of-the-River, Storage Hydropower, Pumped Storage
Areas of Research
Research and Innovation Agenda
- Integration of weather and flow forecast with production plans, flood reduction risks, environmental flows and other water uses
- Research on extreme flood events for better assessment of the risk into operations and structure
- New probabilistic design and risk analysis approaches
Strategic Industry Roadmap
- Development of Regional Multi-Stakeholder Forums
- New Approaches to Identify, Assess and Manage Climate-Related Risks so that Operators and Developers are Prepared for the Impacts and Opportunities that may Arise from Climate Change
Last Updated: 22/02/2024 09:47
Call Number
Project Number
Start Date
2015End Date
2019Budget Range
€5,000,000 - €10,000,000