RIver flow regulation, fish BEhaviour and Status
The loss of biodiversity and degradation of aquatic habitats, largely caused by human actions, has led to a new resolution calling for ecosystem restoration. Moreover, the EU has raised the binding renewable energy target for 2030 to at least 32 % (up from 20 %). Hydropower is in the mix. In this context, the EU-funded RIBES project will train 15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) in the interdisciplinary field of Ecohydraulics to develop innovative solutions for freshwater fish protection and river continuity restoration in human-induced affected rivers. The project brings together 8 European universities, consultancy companies, public agencies, and the hydropower industry, as well as experts in fish biology, river ecology, environmental fluid mechanics, and hydraulic engineering. Four research WPs (WP1-WP4) will be implemented to pursue four Objectives: Work Package 1 - FISH STRESS AND BEHAVIOUR: quantifying behavioural mechanisms and stress-related responses to anthropogenic disturbances in rivers and related physiological indicators Work Package 2 - FISH HYDRODYNAMICS: advancing existing capabilities of observing and modelling flow fields around swimming fish and the bio-mechanics of fish locomotion Work Package 3 - TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES: innovating currently-adopted technologies related to detection and tracking of fish to gain insights on fish behaviour from field and lab observations Work Package 4 - FISH MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS: developing fish management tools and novel design of facilities devoted to fish protection and to improve eco-compatibility of hydropower systems
- Politecnico di Torino
- European funding
Specific Funding Sources:
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
Level of Action:
Small-hydro, Large-hydro, Run-of-the-River, Storage Hydropower, Pumped Storage
Ecology, Habitat modelling, Hydraulics, Networking, Sustainability
Areas of Research
Research and Innovation Agenda
- Measures and approaches to protect biodiversity
- Development and testing of solutions for improved biodiversity and fish protection
- Investigating linked effects on biological community's resilience population dynamics and diversity through analysing different ecological flows in various geographical contexts
- Evaluate, study and propose improvement of river ecology and fish habitat
- Assessment of the general impact and contribution of hydropower to the biodiversity
Strategic Industry Roadmap
- Identification of Need for Training and Education in Order to Maintain and Enhance Hydropower Know How in the Long Term
Last Updated: 22/02/2024 09:41
Call Number
Project Number
Start Date
2020End Date
2023Budget Range
€1,000,000 - €5,000,000