Waterjade: the global platform to predict water resources
Water scarcity from environmental changes is taking its toll on numerous sectors, particularly the energy sector. The absence of effective methods to predict the quantities of water produced from snow and rivers represent a key issue for hydropower companies. The EU-funded Waterjade project is behind a new technology that exploits a range of data sources on weather predictability and satellite information. It aims to help prognosticate the water quantity expected per year with reliable precision. While Waterjade’s clients were initially hydropower plants, the project is now starting to work with public and private entities to predict conditions such as drought or avalanches.
- MobyGIS s.r.l.
- Private (industry – internal)
- European funding
Specific Funding Sources:
European Commission
Level of Action:
National: ITALY
Small-hydro, Large-hydro, Run-of-the-River, Storage Hydropower, Pumped Storage
Areas of Research
Research and Innovation Agenda
- Development of data merging tool to improve the prediction of design floods based on the spatial-temporal characteristics of the catchment area
- New technologies for improved hydro-meteorological monitoring and forecasting
Strategic Industry Roadmap
Last Updated: 22/02/2024 09:46
Call Number
Project Number
Start Date
2019End Date
2019Budget Range
< €100,000