The HYDROPOWER-EUROPE project aimed to support sectorial fora by bringing together stakeholders of the hydropower sector in a forum and providing a unique opportunity to bring together the hydropower community and to develop a Research and Innovation Agenda, and a Technology Roadmap mapping implementation of that agenda. These will support implementation of research and innovation for new hydropower technologies and innovative mitigation measures. These objectives were delivered through an extensive programme of stakeholder consultation. The consortium brought together six different associations and networks spanning the whole research and industry value chain. These networks, along with representatives of civil society and European and national authorities, will form the initial stakeholder consultation base. Through an extensive, cyclic programme of consultation – both online and through various regional, European and International workshops – research needs and priorities were established supporting development of the Hydropower Research and Innovation Agenda (RIA). The consultation process also facilitates discussion around issues and perceptions affecting the implementation of hydropower in Europe. Conclusions from this will underpin development of the Technology Roadmap, addressing any issues affecting uptake of the research and innovation agenda. Finally, the HYDROPOWER-EUROPE project will also consider ways in which the forum, established through this initiative, may become sustainable beyond the 3-year project programme, so supporting uptake and implementation of the research and innovation agenda.
- International Hydropower Association - Partner
- EUREC - The Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers - Partner
- European Renewable Energies Federation - Partner
- European Association for Storage of Energy - Partner
- Samui France Sarl - Partner
- vgbe energy e.V. - Partner
- European funding
Specific Funding Sources:
European Commission
Level of Action:
Small-hydro, Large-hydro, Run-of-the-River, Storage Hydropower, Pumped Storage, Marine, Non-Conventional
Areas of Research
Research and Innovation Agenda
Strategic Industry Roadmap
- Increase Awareness of European Citizens of the Importance of Hydropower Development
- Development of Regional Multi-Stakeholder Forums
- Giving a Single Voice to the Sector Within Europe
- Enhanced Dialogue Between Civil Society and the European Commission to Define Appropriate Ways and Tools to Deploy More Hydropower and to Balance Environmental Protection Legislation and Climate Friendly Energy Legislation
Last Updated: 11/03/2024 15:08
Call Number
Project Number
Start Date
2018End Date
2022Budget Range
€500,000 - €1,000,000