HERI – Research Actions Database

Welcome to the HERI Research Actions Database. The database provides details of past and present research actions related to all aspects of hydropower. The database has been structured following the categorisation developed for the HYDROPOWER EUROPE research and innovation agenda, and Strategic Industry Roadmap.

The database contents have been collated from a variety of organisations working on research actions across all sectors of the hydropower industry. The information has been share freely and is available as open access. You can search the database or add details of new initiatives to the database via the buttons below.

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A EUROpean training and research network for environmental FLOW management in river basins


The regulation of river flows is one of the biggest stressors affecting river ecosystems across the world. In many westernised countries, major legislative efforts are therefore underpinning the development of new approaches to mitigate the impacts of river flow regulation. These approaches are based on optimising the management of river flows to maintain services to humans (e.g. water supply, hydropower) whilst protecting and/or rejuvenating the aquatic environment with water of adequate quantity and quality in space and time (i.e. environmental flows, aka e-flows). In this context, a field of applied aquatic science has developed to generate an evidence base for the best ways to manage the quantity, quality and patterns of e-flows to sustain river ecosystems. EUROFLOW will train a cohort of researchers to be future leaders in the science, business and policy of this field. EUROFLOW ESRs will develop new theoretical and empirical insights via ground-breaking experimental manipulations, large-scale field surveys and the development of cutting-edge models to inform the management of water flows and aquatic ecosystems in river basins. Future research leaders will be developed through advanced training in (1) River ecosystem science, (2) Transferable scientific and life skills, and (3) Collaborative working with international and inter-sectoral networking. The consortium will progress the field of e-flow science and management intellectually by establishing work on 15 linked projects, catalysing communications amongst 23 institutions (and beyond to their wider networks), and enabling intellectual cross-fertilisation both during the project and into the future. EUROFLOW will address the need to develop novel scientific understanding for the field of e-flows via four inter-related scientific work-packages (1) Abiotic environment dynamics, (2) Aquatic biodiversity, (3) Ecosystem processes and (4) Developing models to underpin socio-economic and policy decision making, integrating information from all the wor-packages previously mentioed.


  • University of Leeds


  • European funding

Specific Funding Sources:
European Commission

Level of Action:



Small-hydro, Large-hydro, Run-of-the-River, Storage Hydropower, Pumped Storage


Ecology, Hydropeaking, Modeling / Simulation, Networking, River management, Sustainability

Areas of Research

Research and Innovation Agenda

  • Measures and approaches to protect biodiversity
  • Development and testing of solutions for improved biodiversity and fish protection
  • Investigating linked effects on biological community's resilience population dynamics and diversity through analysing different ecological flows in various geographical contexts
  • Evaluate, study and propose improvement of river ecology and fish habitat
  • Environmentally compatible solutions for hydro-power plants through harsher conditions of operation and interdisciplinary research

Strategic Industry Roadmap

  • Develop Innovative Determination and Planning of Environmental Flow Releases
  • Develop New Methods to Assess and Attenuate the Effects of New and Harsher Operation Regimes on Aquatic Ecosystems

Last Updated: 22/02/2024 09:43


Call Number


Project Number


Start Date
End Date

Budget Range
€1,000,000 - €5,000,000

Project website