HERI – Research Actions Database

Welcome to the HERI Research Actions Database. The database provides details of past and present research actions related to all aspects of hydropower. The database has been structured following the categorisation developed for the HYDROPOWER EUROPE research and innovation agenda, and Strategic Industry Roadmap.

The database contents have been collated from a variety of organisations working on research actions across all sectors of the hydropower industry. The information has been share freely and is available as open access. You can search the database or add details of new initiatives to the database via the buttons below.

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Reliable reinforcement learning for sustainable energy systems


Due to the increasing complexity, the growing number of players in the energy market and the resulting need for increased flexibility, machine learning algorithms will play a significant role in decision making and coordination of load balancing in the energy system of the future. To enable the use of machine learning for critical infrastructure despite safety concerns, the goal of RELY is to develop and test a method in which the reliability, robustness, and safety of the artificial intelligence's actions increase highly. Within the project, a reinforcement learning algorithm is being pre-trained on a virtual representation and then transferred to the real system using a digital twin platform. This enables the learning algorithm to adapt its strategy to real conditions and thus optimally control the respective process. The method is tested and analyzed using a machine unit that represents the complexity and required fast response times of tomorrow's integrated grid: the reversible pump turbine.


  • vgbe energy e.V. - Partner


  • National funding

Specific Funding Sources:

Level of Action:

National: AUSTRIA


Small-hydro, Large-hydro, Run-of-the-River, Storage Hydropower, Pumped Storage


Digitalization, Flexibility, Modeling / Simulation, Sustainability, Turbines

Areas of Research

Research and Innovation Agenda

  • Development of criteria and methodologies for the application of machine learning algorithms, (including jointly with numerical models for different objectives related to the resilience of dams) and creation of a common repository for the storage of dam and powerplant monitoring data including incidences

Strategic Industry Roadmap

Last Updated: 26/02/2024 14:21


Call Number


Start Date
End Date

Budget Range
€100,000 - €500,000