Welcome to the Hydropower in Europe Research & Innovation (HERI) tool. The purpose of HERI is to provide the hydropower industry with information regarding past, present and future R&I actions and opportunities. Select from the image below to navigate through the research actions, organisations or funding. Add details of your own research actions and organisation for others to see.
Small-scale hydropower is not extensively exploited in Central Asia despite considerable potential to satisfy unmet electricity demand and chart a new way forward in cooperative cross-sectoral management of shared waters....
EOMAP is the world leading company for optical remote sensing of marine and freshwater aquatic environments. EOMAP has supported both industry and governments to successfully complete hundreds of projects requiring...
iAMP-Hydro is a collaborative research effort of 10 parties coming from a wide field of academia and industry. Its target is to build digital solutions that will improve the efficiency,...
School of Environmental Sciences We are internationally recognised for our holistic and interdisciplinary approach to research, integrating physical, chemical, biological and social sciences to understand the Earth, its life and...
Aquatic Ecology, Wetland Ecology research groupDescription
The regulation of river flows is one of the biggest stressors affecting river ecosystems across the world. In many westernised countries, major legislative efforts are therefore underpinning the development of...
Support the future of renewable energy, innovation, decarbonization, and the energy transition. With a team of energy consultants, engineers, and experts, we support our members and different companies or investors...
The cryosphere in the European Alps is expected to change substantially with global warming. Snow in the Alps impacts the local communities but also affects the quantity and seasonality of...
Studying space interactions in hydroelectric dam ecosystems The rising need for energy led to the proliferation of hydroelectric dams worldwide. However, damming is associated with some negative impacts on the...
RIVER-POWER is a disruptive technology able to efficiently convert the water flow kinetics energy in electricity thanks to a turbine innovative design derived from the wind power technology. The new...
Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering The research activity focuses on fundamental areas of engineering, design and applied sciences , such as environmental protection, landscape, architecture, renewable natural resources,...
The HYPOSO Project aims at supporting the European hydropower industry while at the same time fostering a sustainable development in selected target countries in Africa and Latin America. One of...
The research Group on Turbomachinery and Energy System is deeply involved in research activities dealing with fluid machines and in particular with hydropower. The group has also a research infrastructure...
Smart Hydro Power developed and patented a 100 % renewable energy-based, reliable and easy to be-installed hydro-kinetics micro hydropower solution that reaches unparalleled levelised cost of electricity (EUR 20 per...
Building from this extensive programme of consultation, the Hydropower Europe Forum (https://hydropower-europe.eu/) has developed from 2018 to 2022 a Research and Innovation Agenda (RIA) as well as a Strategic Industry...
AMBER joined together 20 European partners including academics, conservation foundations (WWF, World Fish Migration Foundation), energy providers (EDF, Sydkraft Hydropower) and policy advisors (European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC)). The...
Established in 2006 as Norwegian Hard Rock Drilling, by Statkraft, Lyse, Skagerak and Agder Energi, with financial support from NVE.ââ Norhard was granted MNOK 19 in EU funding in 2018...
Turbulent aims to provide even the most remote communities of the world with reliable and affordable energy. We’ve developed a special kind of Vortex Turbine that generates low cost electricity,...
Hydro Alps is an applied research and development laboratory specializing in improving the monitoring and production of Alpine high-pressure and run-of-river power plants.Description
Founded in 2011 by research group ADAG - Aircaft Design & Aeroflight Dynamics Group - of the Department of Industrial Engineering - Aerospace division (DII, University of Naples “Federico II”),...
The ultimate goal of the EcoAdvance project is to encourage more widespread and successful freshwater ecosystem restoration projects across Europe. We aim to achieve this by identifying factors most likely...
Di-Hydro will develop practical solutions, applicable to HP plants and clusters across the EU, regardless of their previous digitization level, by combining innovative sensor technology and digital adaption for energy...
NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is a university with a main profile in science and technology. With more than 40 000 students and 7 100 employees, it...
VERBUND is Austria's leading energy company and one of the largest electricity producers from hydropower in Europe. Our research promotes the understanding of the interactions and influences of hydropower use...
Climate Change. Water scarcity. Floods. Droughts. Heavy rains. These words have increasingly punctuated our current dialogue in Europe – socially, academically, and politically. There are plenty of long-term concepts on...
WATEC project deals with the design, fabrication, ""on-field"" testing and commercialization of an innovative hydro-turbine able to convert into electricity the kinetic and potential energy of waves and the kinetic...
CDIF is a R&D center within the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). The research activities are developed by a group of Ph.Ds in industrial engineering, with over 30 years of...
The overall objective of the AFC4Hydro research project is to design, implement and validate in full-scale water turbine an active flow control system that permit to increase efficiency and reduce...
EUREC is the voice of renewable energy research in Europe, representing European Research Centres active in renewable energy. The purpose of the association is to promote and support the development...
Energy utilities, investors and project developers are actively looking for decentralized solutions that combine sustainability with stable and risk-free energy production at low cost. Since wind and solar are highly...
The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ETHNIKO KENTRO EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIKIS ANAPTY) was fοunded in March 2000, it is a legal entity governed by private law with non-profit status,...
PIT tags are passive transmitters used for the electronic marking of fish. When marked fish swim past an antenna installed in a water body or a fish migration aid, they...
The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is the leading member-supported association representing organisations active across the entire energy storage value chain. EASE supports the deployment of energy storage...
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) ranks among Europe’s most outstanding universities in research and innovation – an achievement powered by its distinctive character as an entrepreneurial university. The university...
The loss of biodiversity and degradation of aquatic habitats, largely caused by human actions, has led to a new resolution calling for ecosystem restoration. Moreover, the EU has raised the...
The ultimate objective of the XFLEX project is to increase hydropower potential in terms of plant efficiency, availability and provision of flexibility services to the Electric Power System (EPS). The...
SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHY River Basin Processes and Management We provide international leadership in understanding and managing environmental processes and feedbacks that control and link water, sediment, solute and biotic dynamics...
The overall vision of the ECO-DRILLING project is to prototype, pilot, and commercialise our cost-effective and environmentally friendly full profile directional drilling technology for the global hydropower sector. ECO-DRILLING is...
The main objective of ReHydro is to demonstrate how European hydropower can be refurbished and modernized to be fit for a leading role in the future power system respecting sustainability...
CSAR CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABLE AQUATIC RESEARCH CSAR operates from state-of-the-art, controlled environment facilities in Swansea University's department of Biosciences. CSAR conducts research and technological development, and provides training and advice...
The HYDROPOWER-EUROPE project aimed to support sectorial fora by bringing together stakeholders of the hydropower sector in a forum and providing a unique opportunity to bring together the hydropower community...
Our mission is to provide solutions for industry and companies to help them face the complex and constantly changing challenges of the future. Technological and scientific development doesn’t follow a...
HYDROGO, our mobile, small, easy- and fast-to-install hydropower solution, is designed to alleviate the electricity needs of individuals or communities by producing electricity from river currents and waterfalls, efficiently, and...
The EU Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) has established specific environmental objectives for water bodies that are threatened by pollution.This research project aims to provide the foundation for defining Good Ecological...
EPFL is Europe’s most cosmopolitan technical university. It welcomes students, professors and collaborators of more than 120 nationalities. EPFL has both a Swiss and international vocation and focuses on three...
We are a multi-cultural team working in a German-based company. We are focused on developing and implementing affordable renewable energy projects that enhance productivity and improve people’s living standards. Smart...
The International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a non-profit membership organisation and the global voice for sustainable hydropower. As an association, we believe that all new hydropower projects should be developed...
Delft University of Technology is the oldest, largest and most comprehensive university of technology in The Netherlands. With over 20,000 students and 2,500 scientists (including 400 full professors), it is...
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering The Department of Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) is the reference structure of Politecnico di Torino in the cultural areas...
Measures to protect fish populations in waters influenced by hydroelectric power plants have so far focused almost exclusively on longitudinal connectivity for fish. In particular, short-distance migrators are likely to...
In Europe, hydropower is the largest renewable energy resource accounting for 16% of total production, most of which is concentrated in the Alpine region. However, this renewable energy comes at...
The company MobyGIS S.r.l. operates in the hydro-meteorological sector with specialization on water resources monitoring and forecasting. Through the Waterjade® brand, MobyGIS offers software solutions for water monitoring and water...
NORCE is an independent research institute that conducts research for both public and private sectors, to facilitate informed and sustainable choices for the future. We deliver research and innovation in...
The European energy system is undergoing a significant transformation: decarbonization, security of supply, deployment of renewables and their integration into the market, generating significant opportunities and challenges for energy stakeholders....
LIFE TURBINES aims to boost the development of Smart Cities and promote decarbonisation of drinking water supply in order to achieve the European Union's 2050 target, the Green Deal and...
vgbe energy e.V. is the technical association of energy plant operators. Our members are companies that operate power, heat and cooling, energy storage and sector coupling plants worldwide. vgbe energy...
HydroFlex aims to increase the value of hydro power through increased Flexibility. The commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has been...
To better understand the dynamic processes in the Danube, the meta-ecosystem approach combines biological processes, human activities, and ecosystem services across different spatial and temporal scales. For instance, the migratory...
Energy storage is in high demand. The decarbonisation of industry through electrification, the growth of renewables as well as the need to ensure grid stability are major incentives to develop...
EDF (Electricite de France) is one of the largest power Utility in Europe. As regard to Hydropower, it owns and operates a fleet of more than 20,000 MW Hydro domestic...
Due to the increasing complexity, the growing number of players in the energy market and the resulting need for increased flexibility, machine learning algorithms will play a significant role in...
The SuREmMa project developed a tool for assessing the ecological impact of man-made runoff fluctuations in the SuREmMa + project to: a) record the actual hydro-morphological status in impacted rivers,...
Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR) is France’s leading producer of 100% renewable electricity with a total installed capacity of 4GW (3.1GW of hydro, 735MW of wind and 135MW of solar)....
Aguas de Valencia is a benchmark in water management. Its work and line of development, always hand in hand with innovation and the latest technologies, have marked a before and...
RSE carries out analysis, studies and research activities, applied to the energy sector as a whole. The big challenges and innovations stemming from advancements in the sustainable generation, distribution and...
SERPA is a research group integrated within the Department of Civil Engineering: Hydraulics, Energy, and Environment at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. SERPA aims to deepen understanding of key aspects...
Water scarcity from environmental changes is taking its toll on numerous sectors, particularly the energy sector. The absence of effective methods to predict the quantities of water produced from snow...
The decline of freshwater fish biodiversity is proceeding at an alarming and persistent rate. Given that most fish must undertake some form of migration in order to complete their life-cycle,...
Climate change has showcased the need for renewable energy sources as well as reduced emissions and consumption. However, new technology is required to satisfy this need. Hydro energy systems are...
Improving the efficiency of technologies exploiting renewable sources of energy is vital for the future of the planet. To this end, the EU-funded HyKinetics project aims to test an innovative...
STOR-HY aims to minimize CAPEX, OPEX for innovative pumped storage projects. This is achieved by enhancing the lifetime and recyclability of components and equipment, and devising operation strategies for unconventional...
Sustainable energy sources like hydropower plants (HPPs) generate vast energy with minimal environmental impact. By utilising this clean energy solution, it is possible to effectively meet our energy demands without...
With a growing share of intermittent renewable energy sources grid stability can be maintained, and flexibility enhanced, by applying pumped hydropower energy storage. ALPHEUS will improve reversible pump/turbine (RPT) technology...
The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) is driving innovative, transdisciplinary research on the understanding and development of resilient food and water systems internationally. Through its focus on food...
Pliosaur Energy is an SME that aspires to transform the marine renewable energy market through the introduction of our truly ground breaking and patented technology to convert both wave and...
Tecnoturbines develops hydraulic turbines specially designed to generate electricity under variable hydraulic conditions from water distribution networks, hydro power plants and industries. Our mission is to promote progress by reducing...
Civil Engineering has been taught at Trinity College Dublin since 1841, and since then has played a prominent role in the development of civil engineering as an academic subject. We...
The research project has been addressing a series of open questions regarding the triggering of fish migrations and the orientation of fish in water bodies. As part of the project,...
CAGIX is a software company, with long-term experience in the start-ups, incubation and investment industry, which has developed an online incubation platform that covers investment preparation, incubator operations and portfolio...
Deep River AS is active in research and development related to power plants for producing electricity from rivers, waterfalls and ocean currents. Their products are based on container modules developed...
Water is one of the basic and essential human needs for almost all economic activities. The water management sector is facing global challenges that require multi-sector solutions. Small hydro energy...
Global trends in population growth and rising economic prosperity will increase the demand for energy, food and water, with more severe impact in fast-growing economies, such as in several African...
EREF is the European federation of national renewable energy associations from across EU Member States, representing all renewable energy sectors. Since nealry 25 years, the Federation has been defending the...
Natel Energy is a research-driven technology and engineering company dedicated to advancing sustainable hydropower. With a core focus on ecological integrity, Natel develops innovative turbine solutions that enable the safe...
UBITECH has been established in Athens, Greece back in 2005, concentrated in the European market and acquiring several EC and national grants for novel R&D initiatives. UBITECH has extended its...
UBITECH ENERGY was founded by a blend of experienced ICT Consultants and Energy Research Innovators, with a long track record in the identification, design, development and commercialization of research and...
The National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), founded in 1946, is a public research institute devoted to Science, Technology and Innovation in Civil Engineering and related fields. It has a...
Hydropower as the world’s largest source of renewable energy still has a high unused potential to be explored in times of a changing global energy policy. The economic and ecological...
Our research addresses the greatest challenges of the future: keeping societies healthy, fostering intact environments, promoting sustainable energy and developing well-functioning political and social systems. Seeking answers through interaction between...
The Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics focuses on the following research areas: biology and ecology, chemistry (environmental, analytical and for the conservation of cultural heritage), environmental engineering, computer...