HERI – Research Actions Database

Welcome to the HERI Research Actions Database. The database provides details of past and present research actions related to all aspects of hydropower. The database has been structured following the categorisation developed for the HYDROPOWER EUROPE research and innovation agenda, and Strategic Industry Roadmap.

The database contents have been collated from a variety of organisations working on research actions across all sectors of the hydropower industry. The information has been share freely and is available as open access. You can search the database or add details of new initiatives to the database via the buttons below.

A brief video introduction to HERI:


What, why and how we use data ➧

CDL-MERI: Christian Doppler Laboratory for Meta Ecosystem Dynamics in Riverine Landscapes


To better understand the dynamic processes in the Danube, the meta-ecosystem approach combines biological processes, human activities, and ecosystem services across different spatial and temporal scales. For instance, the migratory behavior and habitat selection of fish are being studied to identify habitat preferences and deficiencies. Food web relationships in various sections of the river are being analyzed, as well as the ecosystem services of the river landscape and the impacts of fishing activities. The insights gained aim to develop strategies for even more effective ecological measures in the future and facilitate targeted management decisions.


  • VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH - Partner


  • Private (industry – with partners)
  • National funding

Specific Funding Sources:

Level of Action:


Large-hydro, Run-of-the-River


Ecology, Habitat modelling, River management

Areas of Research

Research and Innovation Agenda

  • Measures and approaches to protect biodiversity
  • Evaluate, study and propose improvement of river ecology and fish habitat
  • Assessment of the general impact and contribution of hydropower to the biodiversity

Strategic Industry Roadmap

  • Develop and Share Increased Knowledge on Ecosystems and How Hydropower May Affect These

Last Updated: 19/12/2024 10:37


Start Date
End Date

Project website