General Assembly Information Session Disclaimer
Venue: Streamed online
Date and time: 27th June 2023, 9:35-11:30 CEST
Data use and permissions:
By registering for this event, you agree to these general conditions:
- The Organiser reserves the right to record the event that is happening in online. By submitting the registration details, Participants and Speakers provide their consent to the Organiser to publish their image, without compensation in any other printed or electronic materials related to the event.
- The Speakers grant the Organiser license to: record and tape their presentation, copy, reproduce, publish, and distribute the work in all print and other formats.
- By submitting registration details, Participants and Speakers provide their consent for the Organiser to contact them as required for the organisation and administration of the event.
- Participants and Speakers can request access, correct, update or delete any Personal Data by contacting It may take up to forty-eight (48) hours for the Organiser to process your request.