RIA Theme List
Research & Innovation Challenges
Increasing flexibility
Innovation in flexibility storage design and operation
Developing and optimising hydraulic design and control strategies for pump turbines and waterway system in existing PSH
Enhancing flexibility of run-of-river power plants and using existing run-of-river cascades for energy storage
Developing design algorithm and innovative construction technologies for new PSH parallel to existing storage powerplants by using existing upper and lower reservoirs
Overall assessment models of run-of-river, storage and pumped storage power plants regarding market and socio-economic issues
Developing new designs and concepts for distributed pumped storage systems and improving feasibility and cost-efficiency of underground PSH
Improving feasibility and cost-efficiency of seawater PSH
Further improving the efficiency and operation range of variable speed pump turbines
Developing suitable equipment for low-head PSH
Development of novel black start and grid stability services
Innovative design of turbines including reversible pump-turbines and generators
Analysing the relation between flexible operation and lifetime reduction
Improvement of operation at minimum load
Developing reversible Pump-Turbines fit for purpose in seawater environment
Cost reduction of variable speed turbines and ternary set systems
Developing robust designs of hydro plant components
New models and simulation tools for harsher operational conditions
New simulation tools (also for power system level modelling) for new harsher operation conditions in conjunction with the material properties of the machine sets
Understanding and numerically predicting the power plant performance at off-design operating conditions
Demonstration of an integrated approach to solve extreme natural events in a harmless and optimised way involving universities, authorities, operators, insurance companies and manufactures
Development and application of a business model for flexibility
Development and application of a business model for flexibility to decarbonise the energy sector
Digitalisation and artificial Intelligence to advance instrumentation and controls
Integration of weather and flow forecast with production plans, flood reduction risks, environmental flows and other water uses
Developing a seamless, integrated and knowledge-based system from components and system conditions, as well as resources to optimise revenue generation from energy and flexibility markets
Development of criteria and methodologies for the application of machine learning algorithms, (including jointly with numerical models for different objectives related to the resilience of dams) and creation of a common repository for the storage of dam and powerplant monitoring data including incidences
Enhancing computer models to optimise the control system structures, including in run-of-river power plants
Further development of the high-performance approach for the Hydropower Modernisation Initiative (HMI) designing and development of devices satisfying dynamic demands
Developing cheap, easy-to-install, industrial WIFI-able sensors/actuators/controllers and energy-independent sensors
Developing novel environmental scanning methods and tools
Optimisation of operations and maintenance
Monitoring systems for predictive maintenance and optimised maintenance intervals
Developing monitoring techniques that isolate the effect of materials on lifetime needs and modelling the cost of service (wear and tear) in relation to expected gains
Develop new online monitoring and diagnostic systems with intelligent sensors that predict the optimal maintenance interval based on the method of operation
Resilience of electromechanical equipment
New materials for the increased resistance and efficiency of equipment
Development, testing and industrialisation of innovative smooth non-metallic repairing techniques for penstock, gates, using polymers, resins and other materials
Development of novel coating material
Development of near-superconductive materials and innovative insulation materials that are carbon based
Resilience of hydropower infrastructure and operations
New materials and structures for increased performance and resilience of infrastructure
Research on extreme flood events for better assessment of the risk into operations and structure
Better understanding of the hydro-abrasion process and wear of hydraulic structures and its mechanical equipment to advance mechanistic abrasion models
New compound and combined materials for construction
Monitoring and diagnosis of geomembranes
Development and application of geomembranes with friction reducing surface morphologies
Databases of incidents and extreme events, integrated structural risk-analysis models and innovative solutions for multi-hazard risk analysis
Collecting and/or updating international data regarding structures dynamic behaviour, the seismic accidents and behaviour of hydraulic systems, structures and mechanical equipment (gates etc.) during earthquakes
New probabilistic design and risk analysis approaches
Management of concrete swelling in dams and HPP structures
Collecting, update and interpretation of international data on large and extreme floods in Europe
Development of data merging tool to improve the prediction of design floods based on the spatial-temporal characteristics of the catchment area
Research on the settlement behaviour of rockfill dams
Implementation of complex nonlinear dynamic models and post-earthquake design approaches for dams
Better determination of geotechnical parameters and non-elastic properties of materials
Innovative sediment management technologies for sustainable reservoir capacity and river morphology restoration
Development of innovative resistant coat for turbines for turbid waters during suspended sediment release
Developing innovative and sustainable sedimentation management methods and solutions enabling sediment continuity at dams and weirs
In situ experimentation and impact assessment of suspended sediment monitoring concentrations on fish behaviour on a case-by-case basis
Estimation and analysis of increased sediment yield into reservoirs due to climate change and impact on hydropower generation
Synergies between sediment venting and release of artificial floods at dams combined with bedload replenishment downstream
Innovative techniques for enhancing the working life of concrete structures
Improving the instrumentation systems, visual inspection procedures and methodologies for monitoring data interpretation to facilitate the timely detection of AAR
Developing new products and procedures to rehabilitate old concrete structures in view of structural resistance and imperviousness
Enhancing the structural models and methods of analysis to properly consider the concrete behaviour (incl. concrete cracking and the steel rebars and pre-stressing)
Developing a pool of common and advanced techniques to improve the resilience of civil works of hydropower infrastructures
Rejuvenation and consolidation of old concrete loose material
Innovative techniques for enhancement of overtopping safety of embankment and rockfill structures
Innovative techniques for enhancement of over-topping safety of embankment and cemented structures
Bioconsolidation of embankment dams and foundations
Developing of new emerging concepts
Development of innovative storage and pumped- storage power plants (e.g. multipurpose PSH, sea water PSH, etc.)
Integrating storage and pumped storage in hybrid and virtual power plants
Transforming a storage power plant into a Pumped Storage Plant
Development of a new type of heat storage in underground reservoirs of PSH
Developing and optimising Integrated Sea Water PSH and Desalination Plant (SWRO) schemes
Marine energy
Efficiency and fish friendliness of low-head reversible turbines, suitable with sea water environment
Development of innovative, multipurpose tidal/kinetic schemes in marine environment
Low-cost breakwater solutions, complying with specific technical challenges
Hybrid & virtual power plants
Pilot projects integrating hydropower with other RE sources and energy storage systems
Investigations of possible synergies of hydropower with e-mobility or water companies
Environmentally compatible solutions and mitigation of the impact of global warming
Flow regime management, assessment of environmental flow release, innovative connectivity solutions for fish and biodiversity protection and improvement of stored water quality in reservoirs
Measures and approaches to protect biodiversity
Development and testing of solutions for improved biodiversity and fish protection
Investigating linked effects on biological community's resilience population dynamics and diversity through analysing different ecological flows in various geographical contexts
Evaluate, study and propose improvement of river ecology and fish habitat
Turbine design
Environmentally compatible solutions for hydro-power plants through harsher conditions of operation and interdisciplinary research
Assessment of the general impact and contribution of hydropower to biodiversity and the identification of innovative approaches and guidelines to support more sustainable hydropower development
Assessment of the general impact and contribution of hydropower to the biodiversity
Innovative and comprehensive approaches for successful hydropower projects and win-win situations
Mitigating the impact of global warming
Innovative concepts of hydropower infrastructure adaptation and tapping hidden hydro
Regional potential of reservoirs mitigating the consequences of floods and long dry periods and their combination with hydropower to mitigate the consequences of volatile renewable energy production
Pilot projects validating and exploiting innovative solutions for hidden hydro at existing water infrastructures
Research on allocation methodologies and future GHG emissions savings for the uses in multipurpose reservoirs
New electric systems and configurations, improving performance and reducing costs of gearboxes to optimise power production of waterwheels and exploiting hidden hydro at existing water infrastructures
Improvement of dams’ flood routing and release capacity
Investigation of the potential for using low calorific waste heat recovery
Strategic Industry Challenges
Increase social acceptance
Collect a Catalogue of Examples of Best Practice of Successful Multi-Purpose Projects Creating a Win-Win Situation Between All Stakeholders
Compiling, Disseminating and Implementing Best Practices for Investors for Hydropower Development Under Uncertainties
Developing Strategies on How to Successfully Address Issues Related to Hydropower in Cultural Heritage Sites and Protected Areas
Giving a Single Voice to the Sector Within Europe
Providing Details of the Business Case for New Hydro Generation Under Uncertainties
Develop Innovative Approaches to Address Environmental Issues and Biodiversity Protection with Comprehensive Approaches Allowing Compromises
Increase Awareness of European Citizens of the Importance of Hydropower Development
Develop Methodologies to Create Win-Win Situations Between All Stakeholders of Multi-Purpose Projects (linked to a catalogue of Best Practices)
Development of Regional Multi-Stakeholder Forums
Increasing the Availability of Information on the Environmental Impacts, the Energy Benefits and Other Water Uses Arising from Hydropower Plants
Development of Tools and Approaches to Increase Social Acceptance
Development of Strategies for Better Communication of the Value of Hydro for Society
Simplification and Reappraisal of Licensing Processes in Order to Favour Uprating of Existing Hydropower with Valorisation of Investment
Develop environmental mitigation measures
Develop Sustainability Best Practices with the help of International Associations (IHA, ICOLD, World Bank, Etc) including taxonomy for sustainable finance and biodiversity strategies
Develop Sustainable Sediment Management Strategies for Ensuring Sustainable Reservoir Capacity and Sediment Dynamics in Rivers
Protection of Biodiversity in Hydropower Projects by Innovative Compensation Measures
Collect Experience with Water Framework Directive and Lessons Learnt Solutions to Maintain or Improve Water Quality in Rivers and Reservoirs
Provide Hydropower with Environmental Innovations thanks to Large Investments, such as Investment in Flexibility, to comply with the European Green Deal
Collect a Catalogue of Best Examples of Biotope Creation and Restoration through Uprating of Existing Hydropower or New Projects
Develop and Share Increased Knowledge on Ecosystems and How Hydropower May Affect These
Develop Innovative Determination and Planning of Environmental Flow Releases
Develop New Methods to Assess and Attenuate the Effects of New and Harsher Operation Regimes on Aquatic Ecosystems
Better hydropower deployment
Solve the “Missing Money” Issue with adequate Remunerations in Future Flexibility Markets
Contribute to supply Security, Decentralisation and Independence of the European Energy System with PSH
Increase Resilience by Mitigating the Impact of Ageing and Maintaining the High Safety Level of Power Plants
Develop Technical, Social and Environmental Innovations for Supporting the European Green Deal
Adapt Regulation to Energy Transition
Research and Development for Regulation Improvements (Increase Co2 Cost, Abolishment of the Double Taxation of Pumped Storage Hydropower, Concessions, Safety, Taxes, Etc)
Development of a More Stable Regulation Framework Which Promotes Green Renewable Power with a Fair Price, Tax Policy and Subsidy Model Designed for a Level Playing Field Amongst Different Technologies, Based on a Comprehensive Analysis of the Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle
Greater investments thanks to new business models
Research and Development for Mechanisms of Enhanced Revenues and Market Structures (Identification of Market Mechanisms and Regulatory Frameworks Necessary to Create Attractive Investment Conditions)
Research and Development for Re-Evaluation of the Market Design and its Ability to Provide Signals for Investments and Electricity Supply Security
Research and Development for Identification of New Financing Schemes (Green Bonds, Non-Conventional Project Evaluation Approaches, Portfolio/Bundling Approach, Long Term Investments, Etc.)
Development of an Efficient Market Model Suited to the Neutral Carbon Energy System Where Flexibility and Storage are Properly Valued (Co2 Market Price, Emission Trading System)
Assessment of Strength and Opportunities of Hydropower under Fully Liberalised Conditions, without Distortion by Subsidies Suited to New Carbon-Neutral Technologies and Fair Evaluation and Remuneration of Flexibility and Storage Services
Simplified approval procedures and legislation
Enhanced Dialogue Between Civil Society and the European Commission to Define Appropriate Ways and Tools to Deploy More Hydropower and to Balance Environmental Protection Legislation and Climate Friendly Energy Legislation
Climate resilience and mitigation of the impacts of climate change
Design / Modification of New Large, Multi-Purpose Reservoirs Built for Natural Hazard Protection Used for Energy Storage and Power Supply, Creating New Sources of Revenue and Payback for Investments
Collect a Catalogue of How Hydropower Reservoirs Can Attenuate the Effects of Climate Change Under Regional Climate Conditions
New Approaches to Identify, Assess and Manage Climate-Related Risks so that Operators and Developers are Prepared for the Impacts and Opportunities that may Arise from Climate Change
Capacity building
Identification of Need for Training and Education in Order to Maintain and Enhance Hydropower Know How in the Long Term