Hydro4U: Hydropower For You - Sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia

Start Date
2021End Date
Small-scale hydropower is not extensively exploited in Central Asia despite considerable potential to satisfy unmet electricity demand and chart a new way forward in cooperative cross-sectoral management of shared waters....
HYPOSO: Hydropower solutions for developing and emerging countries

Start Date
2019End Date
The HYPOSO Project aims at supporting the European hydropower industry while at the same time fostering a sustainable development in selected target countries in Africa and Latin America. One of...
DAFNE: Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food NExus in complex and trans-boundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries.

Start Date
2016End Date
Global trends in population growth and rising economic prosperity will increase the demand for energy, food and water, with more severe impact in fast-growing economies, such as in several African...
KEEPFISH: Knowledge Exchange for Efficient Passage of Fishes in the Southern Hemisphere
Start Date
2016End Date
The decline of freshwater fish biodiversity is proceeding at an alarming and persistent rate. Given that most fish must undertake some form of migration in order to complete their life-cycle,...
SMART Slowflow: Kinetic Micro Hydro System for electrification of rural areas
Start Date
2018End Date
Smart Hydro Power developed and patented a 100 % renewable energy-based, reliable and easy to be-installed hydro-kinetics micro hydropower solution that reaches unparalleled levelised cost of electricity (EUR 20 per...